Monday, October 26, 2009

Curly Girl Method - Day 3

Who knew I had curly hair?  Did I always?  I have no idea.  I do know my mom gave me perms for much of my childhood (4th grade to high school and beyond).  Did I get these curls with pregnancy?

One day I was at the salon and the girl asked me if I wanted to go "curly" that day.  I was like "HUH?"  Thought she was a nutcase.  Nope - I was the clueless one.

Every time I tried to go curly, it was unruly and a mixture of curly and flat.  I ran across the Curly Girl method last week, got the book Curly Girl by Lorraine Massey, and am on day 3.  It takes a few weeks at a minimum to get hair to behave and I am totally impressed with my day 3 results.  Wish I took a picture of day one - just washed and left to dry curly.  Very flat and barely wavy.

Did you know curly hair is classified into 4 different categories, and the subcategories?

1 - Straight
2 - Wavy
3 - Curly
4 - Kinky Curly

And then from there, 2a, b, or c; 3a, b, or c; etc.

If anyone knows how to tell, please tell me what you think this hair is!! Is it 2b or 2c? I do have some spirals, so is that 2c?

Have a great day!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Can't decide if you will get the H1N1 flu vaccine for you or your child?

Many people have great concerns over this vaccine. The US instituted the PREP Act (click HERE for info). This means that this vaccine has been Fast-tracked, and the following are in play:

Immunity from Liability - none of the 5 vaccine manufacturers can be sued for any reason except for willful misconduct. Why?

This vaccine is uninsurable. Why?

Untested and previously unused ingredients can be used in a Fast-tracked vaccine. Why?

News media and some doctors are now stating that if the H1N1 swine flu virus had shown up sooner, this flu strain would have been included in the regular, every day seasonal flu vaccine. OK, well if that is true, then why the above? Why the immunity from prosecution?

I'm sure you know by know that Thimerosal/mercury came under scrutiny and was removed from almost all childhood vaccines. According to Robert F. Kennedy in the videos below, one flu shot contains 60% of the mercury that used to be in those childhood vaccinations. ONE shot.

If you are concerned about the mercury and wish to avoid that for yourself or your child - you need to ask for:

FluMist - vaccine nasal mist - no mercury/Thimerosal


Single-Use vial - the multi-use vials DO have mercury/Thimerosal. You are allowed to ask your doctor or provider to use a Single-use vial. I do not think the school mass-vaccinations will be using Single-Use vials, so double check that before you allow your school to vaccinate your child.

Watch these 2 videos below - Robert F. Kennedy gives an amazing speech with information anyone should want whether they are for or against vaccinations in general, or or simply worried about the current H1N1 vaccine.

Part 1

Part 2

Education is power!

College Midterm Grades - Ryan

Ryan is proud to announce that his Fall semester 2009 midterm grades are..............

All A's!!!!

Way to go Ryan!

P.S. His "nerd status" is confirmed. One of his science teachers now asks him if he has any questions before letting class go, since Ryan's the one who has ALL the questions. lol

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Remembering Our Babies - National Day of Miscarriage and Infant Loss

Today is the National Day of Miscarriage and Infant Loss. Have you or someone you know lost a baby(ies)? We've lost 4 and it was one of the harder periods of our life together.

Our Story:

Ryan was conceived and born with relatively little problems. He was huge at birth and that wasn't fun, but in general, no problems.

Holt was conceived after 8 months of trying and we almost immediately had a threatened miscarriage. I started bleeding and the doctor said if I was going to lose the baby or not, there was nothing we could do but wait. Thankfully, he held on and was born 9 months later.

2 years later, we tried for another baby and conceived quickly. Something was different this time, though, as I was not sick. The other two, I had morning sickness for almost the entire 9 months. Not this time. At 10 weeks, we learned the baby did not make it, and in fact, it was a blighted ovum.

We conceived twice more, losing those pregnancies early as well, one being twins. We did have genetic testing on one of the babies and found out that our other SON had no chromosomal defects in any way. My body had difficulties maintaining the pregnancies. I would have had at least 3 sons!

A few years later, we sought infertility treatments to see if we could have one more child - thankfully, insurance paid for it entirely. We did not conceive, but in major testing, found out that both Hubs and I have infertility issues. My body has/had elevated natural killer cells and was attacking the babies as if they were cancer and Hubs issues was irreversible.

We actually had a peace, though, finally an answer. And we know that we will see those 4 babies again some day in Heaven. That brings a great peace. We created a page to honor our babies and bring peace to others who are grieving the loss of their babies as well. Please visit or send the link to someone you know is suffering.

Dedicated to Our Babies In Heaven

I was really struggling with the grief, as having lost 4 babies in such a short time was really overwhelming. And we didn't end our family on the birth of a live baby......and that was tough. I finally sought some Christian counseling and was told something that transformed my life at the time, and I will always be indebted to Jo Ann for sharing this with me. She said:

We will never get over it, but we will get through it.

So many women are trying so hard to "get over it" already. But really, we will never lose the love we had for that baby in our heart. That child was a part of us the minute we found out he/she was conceived. God blessed us with that child, even for just a short time. But we can get "through it" and we must, as unresolved grief can easily turn to depression.

Here is one of my favorite poems, found on my website above:

To my baby
The one I can't hold
The one I won't see
Is what I'm told

I felt your little spirit
Living in me
Though such a short time
It was precious you see

My life seemed so perfect
My dream would come true
My own little bundle
Whether pink or blue

Everyone loved you
Just waiting to see
Would you look like your daddy
Or exactly like me

These are the things
We will never know
Because God in heaven
Said you needed to go

He must have his reasons
I can't yet understand
Did he come down to get you
Did he hold out his hand

Someday you can tell me
About His sweet embrace
As he took you from me
To that wonderful place

Until that day comes
Don't be afraid
Heaven is safe
For us it was made

I won't say goodbye
I can't cuz you see
You'll always be
A part of me

I love you my baby
My sweet little one
I'll see you again
When my time here is done

Love, Mommy

Jennifer Wasik

You might have some sad friends today - tell them you are thinking about their baby(ies). Give them a hug, because I can almost guarantee you that no one in their life ever mentions their babies.

Take care,

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Morning Cuddling and Beauty Appointments

Our largest dog, Sage - a Golden Retriever/German Shepherd rescue dog - is our "lover girl" and she hasn't met a hug she didn't like. Now that she is an indoor dog, she has taught our cat dog ( Purebred Pekingese) Sweety a thing or two about being loving and cuddly. lol A few photos of our fun this morning. First Sage was getting all the attention, then Sweety had to jump up and join in. It was pretty funny! They are both laying in my arm (hidden under both dogs.)

(I couldn't get the "red eye" fix to work on those orange eyes - pretty freaky!)

And, if you haven't seen the girls in a while, here are their post-beauty appointment photos. Sweety was so good, she even got a bandana, which isn't a usual occurrence for her. lol She has major anxiety issues AND hates girls/women (except me and my mother), so no females can touch her at the doggy salon. Last time, they had to put her under anesthesia she was so stressed out. This time? The owner's son picked her up and Sweety liked him. Not only did he groom her easily, but she actually seemed happy to let him. That apparently riled up all the "girls" at the shop who had ever tried to love on her/work on her. lol Boys rule according to Sweety!

I was trying to get the girls in front of my for photos, and lover girl herself had to get right up in my face. When I tried to take a closeup, she quickly turned her head and gave me this regal shot. lol

This photo only happened because I implied I was getting her dinner early. Ha!

And this is another one of Sage, wondering when we are getting back on the couch for more cuddling.

They both got quite a bit of hair trimmed off, and hopefully this will last them for a few months.

Have a great day!

Armour Desiccated Thyroid Shortage

If you have Hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid) and take Armour Thyroid, you might have noticed by now (or soon will) that there is a back order and shortage of this medication, available only by prescription. Some pharmacies are receiving small shipments of 60 mg (1 grain), but unless you ask for the specific mg. they carry, they will say they do not have any.

Armour Thyroid Info

If you are concerned and cannot get your prescription filled, check at a local compounding pharmacy. I was able to get my prescription filled at a compounding pharmacy yesterday and am very relieved. The pharmacist stated that as soon as Armour was back in good supply, I would go back to that.

Just wanted to update, as it had never dawned on me to look into a compounding pharmacy.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

OU Weekend Fun

Time for the 4th Annual 1986 Industrial Engineer Graduates group from the University of Oklahoma to get together and say "hey"! Dinner, tailgating and a winning game = one awesome weekend!

Photo of the Engineers (although only a few still work as engineers!):

L to R: Andy (came in from Tennessee/MS), Brenda (flew in from Georgia), Robert, Caroline (came up from Dallas), Jerry (Also up from Dallas), Linda, Shonda (Flew in from California!), Julie.

Photo with Spouses and Kids:

L to R: Andy, Cheri, Shelly, Brenda, Robert, Jerry, Caroline, Shonda, Kelsey, Julie, Tim, Sam, Linda, Linda and Robert's Son, and Robert.

Best of all - OU won against Baylor!

We had a great weekend - I was able to travel and do all the activities without additional pain. It was really amazing!! I spent most of the weekend with that smile you see in the photo. I was SO happy that I've gotten my life back - thank you God!!! Thank you for the SCS - Spinal Cord Stimulator!!!!

Have a great day!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sweety - Our Black Pekingese

Sweety turned 7 last week and I ran across some puppy pictures of her. She is almost fully black, with some white on her chest and a white streak running up her tail like a skunk. Most Pekingese are tan/white/brown. Rare to find a black one. If we let her hair grow out, it would touch the floor. For those that do not know and might want a Pekingese, they have to be one of the TOP shedding dogs available in the world. Also, they have a very high opinion of themselves and aren't really the lapdog you might expect them to be. Sweety acts much like a cat some days - keeping to herself unless she needs something and then she can be quite demanding. lol

Thought I would share one of the funny photos from back then. And the one below is a recent photo - I get a kick out of the ones where she is staring straight at the camera. Those eyes - only a mother could love them. lol (Sage is laying beside saying, "Hey, let's keep playing, this is a fair match-up!")

This is one of the only photos we have of her tail.

One of my favorite photos of the boys with Sweety. Oldie but goodie. I believe this was from October of 2004. So handsome!

Take care,