Monday, March 29, 2010

First Collegiate Golf Tourney with Ryan

Hubs and I were able to make our first (and only) Collegiate golf tournament  with Ryan today, which was quite the feat considering the ridiculous amount of traveling hubs has been required to do lately.  But we made it!  Drove over last night and the only room in town was one with a double bed, but it worked out 'cause I don't move at night when I sleep - you know, the 'ole "coffin" position I sleep in.  We were nice and cozy and I loved it!

Here is a photo of us taken with my iPhone:

And I was able to get a photo of Ryan - can you tell how thrilled he was?  lol

I had a lidocaine patch on my buttock and one on my low back, a pillow in the golf cart with me and was really really careful with the positions I sat in.  And I'm doing OK tonight.  Yay!!!  It was very windy and chilly, but we survived.

Ryan has another separate tournament tomorrow before they come back home - an unusual 2 independent tournaments on one golf trip.  

Have a great day!


  1. That's great you were able to go. Very good picture of you and the Mr. You are a cute couple!


  2. Praise God, you were able to go and enjoy it. The picture of you and hubby is precious, you are such a beautiful person. Have a fabulous week.


Thanks so much for your lovely comments!