Saturday, August 21, 2010

How You Know Your Husband Loves You

Hubby had a minor medical procedure yesterday (good report) and while he was coming out of the hypnotic anesthesia, he was cracking the nurses up.  I thought I'd get this on video in case he wanted to watch it later, and he thinks it is hilarious.  He gave me permission to post this.

He's a keeper!

1 comment:

  1. This is absolutely priceless! I just logged in to check on my blog and I saw that you had posted something new. I have to say that was funny when he said "Kids, not so much". I'll have to remember to bring a cam or my phone when T. has his next GI scope. He's never been quite as amorous as Andy when he's waking up, but he is usually funny. When did you get the laryngitis? Was it directing the move? LOL Take care and drop me a note some one of these days. Hugs, MM (M Sully on your "follower's list)


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