Thursday, September 30, 2010

Show Us Your Life - Dining Rooms

Kelly at Kelly's Korner is doing her "Show Us Your Life" meme's again this year and this week is Dining Rooms.  Join her to see other dining rooms across the blog world!

We have recently moved (shocker, eh?) and the dining room is the only room we have "together", so enjoy your visit.  lol 

And yes, before you ask - we DO have a second refrigerator in our dining room.  (Long story?  I'll skip = short story, I need a refrigerator I can reach the ice AND a refrigerator I can reach the food - cannot bend, lift, or twist with my nerve damage and spinal cord stimulator, so.......we adapted!)  And the really really sad part?  We have a THIRD refrigerator in the garage.  It is a hoot when the boys are looking for food - and we say, "Why dear, why are you having so much trouble finding that?  You only have 3 fridges to search!"  Ha!

Love that extra fridge!  (This is the one I can reach the food AND the filtered water.  Ha!

A beautiful glow at night.

See those Window "Mistreatments" ?

We've kept this gorgeous table covered up so long I forgot we had it!

Because it's a lovely rental, we can't take credit for the BLAH boring wall paint, or the builder grade boring light fixture.  If you look at my photos on this meme last year, check out the color I enjoyed.  And now?  YAWN.......I'm trying to stay awake to get this posted.  lol

Last Year's COLORFUL Photos

The rest of the rooms in our room would better fit the "Oh no my house does NOT look like that" blog carnival I've yet to find.  lol

Thanks for stopping by!


Thanks so much for your lovely comments!