Friday, October 22, 2010

New Coat Love

Have I ever told you how much I hate shopping?  I mean, SERIOUSLY hate it.   Growing up with a mother who sewed all my clothes......I got spoiled.  Stores and all the choices?  Stress!!  So, I tend to buy things when I am in a panic/dire need, and that is a bad plan!  lol

I need a new coat and have for years.  6+ years ago,  I spent $25 on clearance at Old Navy and even my boys have commented on the fuzz balls.  Now, ladies, that is bad if teenage boys noticed! 

So, I decided I wanted a deep purple/eggplant coat - I'm tired of black, gray....since I started wearing bright colors I love, my mood is much improved, I get tons of

I was in S.teinmart the other day, killing time before an appointment and saw this coat and almost drooled right then and there.  Ran over, tried on my size and was THE COAT.

Minus the grey scarf.   Color a little darker in person, photo taken with my iPhone 4.
Price - not $25, so I had to think on it.  Peck & Peck Collections.  Andy wanted to go buy it last night.  I waited until today, went to another S.teinmart and they had already sold out!  Brand new!  Had them scan one left and it was not going to be on sale this big sale weekend, so.........Andy got me the coat at the other store.

It only has the one button and the tie is removable.  (I don't ever wear coats buttoned up, even in snow.  lol)  Very slimming and very pretty!

If you have a S.teinmart near you, they are having a HUGE sale starting tomorrow and the 12 hour sale on Saturday.  Go to their website for additional coupons!!

And guess what?  He LOVES it on me!!   I think he finally decided - instead of fighting my favorite color, why not be thrilled?  lol  Now I want some cold weather so I can wear it!!



  1. The title of this comment would have to be Coat "Envy". Oooh, Ahhh, and any other expression of "why can't I have that coat?" don't seem like quite enough.... That is stunning Cheri! We don't have a Steinmart around here, but in the end that's best anyway. Now is not exactly prime shopping time for me, given the circumstances. ;~(

    You are more than welcome to the colder temps we've been having. (low 30's at night!) I can't seem to get warm, no matter how many blankets I pile on and around me. The neuropathy and what at least one doc says is probably Reynaud's has made it difficult for me to keep warm for a few years now, but it's worse than it's ever been this year. And we're not even into the harsh stuff yet!

    Again, congrats on the coat. I think you did a fine job finding just the right one! If you ever get tired of it......

    Peace and Blessings,

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