Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Stunning Lipstick/Lipgloss Combo

Remember when I mentioned in THIS post how my next goal was to get the Victoria Secret Very Sexy Perfect "Hot Spot" lipstick and the Milani 3D Glitzy Lip Gloss in "Fashion Diva" (and that wonderful video showing the combo)?   She also mentioned Rimmel 1000 Kisses Lip Liner in Tiramisu, which I show in this photo but do not have on my lips below.

Rimmel Lipliner in Tiramisu, Victoria Secret Very Sexy Perfect Lipstick in Hot Spot and Milani 3D Glitzy LipGloss in Fashion Diva

Well, I did!  And it is gorgeous!

Milani 3D Glitzy Lip Gloss in Fashion Diva (alone)
Victoria Secret Very Sexy Perfect Lipstick in Hot Spot


Love love love this combination....isn't it pretty??  Clearly, I am not meant to be a lip model....but I had to show you what it looked like!  And I will be very happy when that dry spot on my lower left lip goes away!

I can only get Milani products at my local CVS Pharmacy (that I know of).  Great drug store prices....watch for sales!

And a shocker - look up there at that photo of the gloss.....see how much is gone?  I wear this EVERY DAY, all day.  It is SO moisturizing....I put it on as lip conditioner.  That's gonna have to slow down because I can't go through one every 2 weeks!  It is THE perfect lip gloss shade....I haven't found a color it doesn't look good on.  


  1. I love all three! I'm not daring enough to do the red{ish} lipstick alone, but it looks great on you!

    Im convinced; and i only live a block away from a CVS.


    I did a product review today, too.

  2. Hey Cheri! Looks great on you! I'm not a makeup person..not everyday..but it would be nice to have for days that I do. :)

  3. ok, couldn't remember the name of it, so I bought what I thought was it, wasn't ... it's called Starshine (Milani) but looks very similiar and it's really cute


Thanks so much for your lovely comments!