Thursday, September 1, 2011

Affirmation Thursday - Are you a "Good Girl"?

"I banish the past and now live in the wonderful now, where happy surprises come to me each day."

Have you seen this video?  Today, Emily P. Freeman's book, "Grace for the Good Girl - Letting Go of the Try-hard Life" is released.  (She is "Chatting at the Sky" in the blog world.)

I have not read this book nor been paid to write about it.

But I am a good girl.

As I was forced to recline and be still (story HERE), I had no choice but to face WHO I WAS without the activity I used to mask my insecurity and fear of failure.

Frankly,  I had been 
a human DOING 
rather than 
a human BEING.

How many of us are truly OK with ourselves 
when we are stripped of everything besides stillness?

I related to a little bit of each woman on this video.....from my past.  The "pre-injury" Cheri.

What people SAW was an over-achieving perfectionist.  That behavior masked a girl trying to outrun her fear of failure.

I am good.

I am enough.

I am loved.  Period!  No qualifications!

I thank God for the opportunity to learn this lesson, and others.

I'll be getting this book.

Read the first chapter HERE.  You won't be the same after.

Are you a "Good Girl"?  If not, I'm sure you know one.  And if so, read that first chapter to being to understand her.  You will be glad you did.

1 comment:

  1. WoW! I am a good girl. I am totally checking out this book. I felt like each person in that video was me.


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