Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Another Scalloped Potholder

It's a shocker!!  I'm crocheting again!!!  (Since starting to work outside the home again for the first time in 6 years, I've just not made the time...but I sincerely missed it...very calming, takes your mind off ANYTHING that might be worrying you.....)

One of my all-time favorite patterns was the Scalloped Potholder...  and then I got to use my fabulous DIY Lightbox!!

And now, crocheted together:

I am crocheting another project now and it is kicking my behind!  So did not expect it.....I have to make multiple items, so I hope I win this war quickly!  lol

Linking up to these parties:

Boogieboard Cottage



Monday, November 28, 2011

Maybelline Age Rewind Eraser Makeup

I had to share this because it is pretty funny.  I could do a better job of noting ALL details....

I had read/heard that the Maybelline Age Rewind Eraser makeup was super great....and that getting the one for under the eyes was a must.  I quickly trotted off to the local drug store and purchased my first product.

When I used it the next morning, I thought to myself, "Hmmm, this sure is big to put under your eyes"...but I kept using it.  For weeks.

Until one day, I saw another video and noticed......I hadn't gotten the right color.  I was supposed to get one called "Illuminator".

Off to the drug store I went again, and looked all over at the current product I owned.  No "Illuminator".  Scanning around, I found a MUCH SMALLER product that had the highlight color.  Hmm.....that was what I was supposed to buy to begin with!

See the size difference?

A tad big for under the eye, eh?

Turns out, I first purchased the FOUNDATION for the entire face.....I started using that correctly this week and I LOVE It!  It goes on SO smooth....

The Eraser DARK CIRCLES...(duh!!) has full coverage....nothing shows through.  It is a must!  I have to agree!

For the record, I have dry skin....and this is silky and that I mean, no flakey skin shows through......  I have no idea what it would do with oily or combination skin but it is not dewy....  I've actually never felt something like this on my skin...

Have you tried this yet?  I recommend it!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Decorating Christmas Trees with Ribbon

Decorating your Christmas tree with ribbon is a gorgeous way to change things up.  If you aren't in to the "mesh" ribbon, this is a beautiful alternative.

For a Tutorial with lots of photos on how to decorate your christmas tree with ribbon, click HERE.

Linking up to these parties:

Boogieboard Cottage



Saturday, November 26, 2011

Decorating with Gray - Bedroom Inspiration

I was late to the "Pinterest" party...I was put off by the "mandatory" invite or no one can join.  (I'm a rebel like that).  But as you can see, it is SUCH a resource...I've been pinning photos since we first decided to build...knowing we were choosing a gray color palette but.....WHAT gray?

Enjoy!  (And let me know if you would like an invite to Pinterest!)

Source: via Cheri on Pinterest

Source: via Cheri on Pinterest

Source: via Cheri on Pinterest

Source: via Cheri on Pinterest