Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Saw this today and had to share:

"So perhaps today we can create a new habit that will come with us into the New Year - let us BE the presence of LOVE in our lives and in the world.  Let's take responsibility for our own happiness, no longer blame others and instead BRING what we feel is missing from life.  Let us stop trying to get or take Love and instead set our aim on how we can serve and express our gifts to the world, so that we make the world a better place for someone else - and in doing so we will also be making the world a better place for ourselves."

The Daily Love by Mastin Kipp....

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How true is this?  Some of us are in a great place right now, others of us are hurting deeply.  How we get through it all is focusing outside ourselves...on giving....on blessing others.....and it will be returned to use 100-fold.

The blessings in my life this year are overflowing.............  Some blessings 25 years in the making.......

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the picture and the lovely thought and inspiration. Happy Holidays!


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