Sunday, November 18, 2012

Weekend Randoms

I had a rare Saturday off and we ended up at a lovely park in a nearby town.  It was one of those quaint locations where every photographer in town was there with their clients.   After touring all the little shops (and didn't buy a single thing!),  we thought we'd do the cheap method and take an iPhone photo.  Turned about pretty good, we thought!

And a SUPER rare photograph of the boys these days.  Sorry for the pitiful quality...I was just happy I got anything at all!  I'm sure our oldest would be cooperative...have to catch him on a golf day!

Can't forget Sage and Sweety!

Tomorrow, EngineerHubby has surgery on his other foot....did the first one 1.5 months ago.  Plantar Fasciitis surgery.  Hopefully soon he will be able to exercise and not have tons of pain.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great weekend, and I think the natural inpromptu photos are the best ones anyway :)


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