Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Wow, really love the latest blog post at is Integrity.

And I LOVE this phrase:

The power of your word is in direct proportion to your self awareness.

I strongly believe that the ONLY thing we have that someone cannot take away, cannot our WORD.  If our word isn't "gold"...then what DO we have?

This is powerful.....

How do you feel about integrity... your "word"?  


  1. Very powerful and of the utmost importance! Our integrity and words show the world who we really are, at the very core of our being. Our heart is shown by our spoken words and through the things we do. The Bible teaches us to guard our hearts and also to mind our tongues...the the tongue is as sharp as a two edged sword.

    Beautiful post to remind us to be ever mindful...
    Integrity is is our testimony...shows others who we are. It doesn't matter what someone looks like on the outside, so shallow to think that matters most, true beauty comes from within and is defined by integrity and kindness, our spoken word. Words, no one can take away from us and we cannot take them back.


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Thanks so much for your lovely comments!