Thursday, January 20, 2011

DermaNew MicroDermabrasion 1/2 price at Ideeli!

Last year, when I started really taking care of my skin, I watched a skin care video by a makeup artist and she showed how using the DermaNew MicroDermabrasion Skin Rejuvenation System really improved her skin.  I went to the DermaNew website and said, "Oh NO' to those prices.  lol   Tried to put it out of my mind, but was shocked one day when a local store had one box, half price.  I was shocked and grabbed it right up.


I've used this religiously since.  At least 3 times a week.  Folks, as we age, exfoliation is key but we want a gentle method.  When I saw that Ideeli was carrying DermaNew for half price several months ago, I stocked up on the little foam pads, the cleanser, etc.  No full price paying for this frugal gal!  I got the one that also had the body foam pads and body cleanser.  They also have products for acne issues as well.  I swear by this!!

What is great about it is that the wand turns off automatically at 2 minutes  - so you never over-do the exfoliation.  I love that it has a low setting AND a high setting, plus different attachments - foam, scrub brush, even a callous softening attachment for my heels!  It has a cute little stand that the wand stands in when not in use. 


So I wanted to share with you this deal at Ideeli today - Here is my link (my referral link, thank you very much!).  The main kit I got?  Is $35!!!   Check it out - Ideeli is another daily boutique sales - you never know what they will have, but the prices will amaze you.  Clothes, jewelry, makeup, rugs, house decor.......all kinds of things!!   Signing up is FREE..........and you get daily emails where you can browse and see if anything interests you.

And to be honest - another way I use these sites is to educate myself on pricing, getting decor and fashion ideas, etc.  I keep notes in the "note" app on my iPhone - prices, stores, etc.  This way, if I'm out and about, I can tell if I am looking at a good deal or not.   Just ask hubby.  ;)

1 comment:

  1. Microdermabrasion is the cosmetic treatment. It removes acne scars, dead skin, black heads, wrinkles, fine lines and many more. There are no side effects of it.



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