Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Finally Have a Blog Button

Yeah, I know......took my time and still playing around with it  :), but I think I am happy with this one for now.  Please let me know if you have problems.  I set it up so it will open a new window and keep your blog window open.

Put your cursor over the text in the box below the button, right click and "Select All".  Then "Copy".   (It is also on the right side of my blog.)
Go to your blog, click on "Add a Gadget", "HTML/Javascript", and then paste the code in the box.  Save and it should show up on your blog. 

Cheri Quite Contrary

To make mine, I uploaded a picture to Picnik.com, a wonderful free photo editing site (although I did upgrade to use some extra editing options).  I then uploaded my final product to Photobucket.com and then followed THESE instructions on creating a code.

I would love it if you would add it to your blog roll!  Let me know and I'll return the favor!

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