Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I Got Bangs

Now, before getting horrified, I made sure I wouldn't look like someone who needs a "bang intervention", but I have to be honest...I was in shock when I turned around and saw myself in the mirror at the salon.  (I DID have a bang intervention in the early 2000' wasn't pretty. I've been SO proud of myself for growing them

I humbly share this photo from 1987 - just after marriage.  Don't you miss 80's perms (and hairspray)?  This was back before I learned I have naturally curly hair.....*roll eyes*....):

Back to my bangs today....

My salon gal did a great job....I guess it's just been so long since I've had them.....

See, now that it is summer, I wear my hair up all the time...and this left what I thought looked like a "comb over" with my shorter yet still longer face-framing hair.....

Comb overs are NOT pretty on females.  Shoot, not on anyone!  lol

So, if I part my hair down the very middle like she did, my HAIR (not me) looks just like Jennifer Aniston's character in the current movie,  Horrible Bosses (which we saw last weekend):

Photo edited to be

Is this a good thing?  Husband thinks so...but he loves ANY new thing I do to my hair as long as I don't come home with red hair....he's easy.  He actually PREFERS I change it up frequently..

I was happier this morning when I did my hair MY way....isn't that always the case?

And instead of fretting..if I don't bond with this, they will grow........

Do you have bangs?


  1. Yes, but not because of any particular trend. I've had them since ... well ... the 80s. Having a high forehead, I just look better with bangs than without. I did have to laugh when they came back in a few years ago - suddenly I had fashionable hair without trying! I'm sure yours look beautiful.

  2. I have always had bangs. Every time I try to grow them out, I simply think I don't look like myself. Mine are probably the curliest part of my hair so they do require lots of patience and work. I'm certain your new style is just fabulous girl! ~Hugs, M

  3. Cheri,
    At the moment I do have bangs, and I have curly hair like you...I know what you mean. I actually like Jennifer's hair there. I bet it looks great on you.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  4. Where is the picture of you with your new bangs?
    I do have bangs, always have as my hair looks silly without them.

  5. I know, I'm gonna have to get a new photo put up here to show ya.....maybe we'll get photos on our trip next week...I am getting more used to them...


Thanks so much for your lovely comments!