Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sam Edelman Katrice - Wanted

Long-time blog readers might remember these shoes I tried on last year, dreaming of the day I would be healed and able to wear "real" shoes again, let alone sexy shoes.  I almost bought these....and I swear I went back to that store 4 times and wore them around.....almost pulled the trigger.  Now I wish I had.

Sam Edelman "Katrice"  
Black and White Zebra, Size 8

I have never tried on wedges that were so perfect for my feet or as comfortable as those.  So I thought I'd give a shout out just to see if someone purchased these and never wore them or knows where a pair is....Size 8.

Here are my beloved photos:

I actually had a fellow shopper take this photo for me....Andy had a heart scared him to see me in such shoes with the state of my "numb" 

Anyone happen across my blog doing a search for these Sam Edelman Katrice shoes and have a size 8 to part with??  Please email me - link in the right side bar!!

I believe I will receive these shoes if they are for me to have or their equivalent!


  1. I love those shoes - hope you find a pair. :)

  2. I can't imagine you putting yourself in something like those as risk the return of pain. Cute shoes, but I wouldn't suggest them.

  3. Love the shoes... would break my neck if they were on my feet... but I like 'em!

    Funny: Jared (who's 13), was sitting beside me, ranting about why Freddy Gonzalez isn't taking Hanson out of the game.... when all of the sudden, as I scrolled down to the first picture, he exclaims, "WOW!! Who's legs are *those*??!"

  4. Cheri,
    Oh how I wish I could wear those high heels still. I use to wear very high heels and I loved it cause I have long legs, but now I think I would fall flat on my face. Love the shoes!
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  5. Adorable! I'll take a size 7.5! :)

  6. Thanks all....Beckie, these will be shoes I just "look good in" but don't really wear anywhere officially. Gotta be safe!

    Heather - how funny. Guess you didn't share I'm 45? Ha!

    I miss wearing sexy shoes since my legs are some of my best assets no matter what happens to me. lol And since walking so much, they are looking muscular even - shock here. lol

  7. I couldn't walk in those to save my life, but they are seriously beautiful! Hope you find 'em!


Thanks so much for your lovely comments!