Sunday, January 2, 2011

Nominated for Best In Show Again!

Vote Here

Yippee!!  Little did I know when I shared my Creamy Cheeseburger Soup, that it would be such a hit!  I've had so many emails, comments, and Facebook comments on the absolutely yumminess of this soup.   If you haven't tried it yet, you really must!!

Over at LambAround, I've been nominated once again for Best In Show.  Please go vote for my Creamy Cheeseburger Soup and see all the other wonderful recipes!  Vote HERE!

Here is my post on this delicious soup - check it out for the simple as can be recipe!



  1. Just thought I'd let you know that I made your cheeseburger soup today. It was a huge hit, everybody loved it! Thank you so much for sharing it, we will definitely make it more often.
    Have a great day,


Thanks so much for your lovely comments!