Friday, May 13, 2011

Update on Stop the Presses! DIY Face Powder

This posted the other day and then Blogger went down and it disappeared.  I am posting it again in case it doesn't show back up.  If it does, enjoy it twice.  lol

Remember my STOP THE PRESSES! post on High Definition face powders?  Well, I have CONFIRMED that the ingredients in the much coveted Laura Mercier Universal Loose Setting Powder IS the same as what you can make yourself with the directions in my post above.  I looked for myself and the ingredients are:

Calcium Aluminum Borosilicate, Silica.

If you go to Coastal and purchase the ingredients yourself (scroll down on the left to the "Makeup Ingredients: Fillers and Additives" and then "Packaging" for the sifting jars and mask), you can create this AMAZING setting powder for under $11 for over twice the amount.  Or you can pay Laura Mercier $34.  Your choice!

Now, why do makeup artists even use a setting powder?  Well, if you have never used one, let me tell you:  Regular powders can look "cakey" and set in fine lines and wrinkles, making them more prominent.  These setting powders with the silica spheres are just magical....your face will look smooth like a cover model and your lines and wrinkles....will....hey, what lines and wrinkles??

Here are photos are the sifting jars with my powders mixed together...I purchased the silica spheres and Magnesium Myristate (although they have others to choose from - the addition of something else with the silica spheres enhances adhesion to the face.  (Otherwise, the silica spheres tend to float...)

So, here is the breakdown:

1 oz Laura Mercier  Setting Powder Universal - $34

0.35 oz Makeup Forever HD Microfinish Powder
......$30  (1 oz would cost almost $90!!! versus under $11 for do it yourself?)

DIY Creation:

1 oz Silica Spheres                $4.75
1 oz Magnesium Myristate   $4.00
2 sifter jars (.85 ea)               $1.70
1 mask                                                                $  .49
2 oz Total Product     =         $10.94

DOUBLE the product for less than a 1/3rd the price.

Definitely buy the mask - you do not want to inhale a bunch of this and while mixing, the silica spheres will float.

Can't beat that!

If you choose the Magnesium Stearate, it is even cheaper.  1 oz of that is $2.75.  I just picked one - no rhyme or reason.  These are the 4 they recommend on site to add to the silica spheres for adhesion:

If you desire flawless skin but want to be frugal, try this.   I use a highlighter brush to lightly brush on over my makeup - I buy mine at Target but any duo fiber highlighting brush will do:

 Sonia Kashuk Highlighting Brush

You won't be sorry!

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