Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Now you see you don't

Happy Turkey Day everyone!  (Did you know I'm allergic to turkey and wonder I've never liked Thanksgiving....turkey to eat, turkey in gravy, in dressing...turkey turkey everywhere.....Sigh.....)

In other news....the Yellow River granite is a GO!  We got the pricing and while more than builder grade, it is very affordable.  And in other "Do I know my Yellow River Granite or not!"....the last photo I posted last time....the one full of grey?  Is the EXACT slab we had picked out and I just randomly liked it online.  I scare myself sometimes.  lol


All counter tops will have this (kitchen, master bath and auxiliary bathrooms except powder room).   It is going to be GORGEOUS!!  May choose a different slab with more gold...haven't decided.

I remembered to take photos to show family of our subdivision entrance and then our lot.  Almost all these trees will be gone shortly....anything "good" is right where the house will be.  The lot is over 3/4 acre...and our neighbors have will still get to look at some.  But for my tree-allergic husband, he will have a tree-free yard.  lol

It is a beautiful. hill-filled subdivision with 3/4 acre and up lots.  Many lots went back to the bank and we got our lot for a steal of a deal....then add in $14,000 to grade it, bring in dirt and add the mandatory side-load garage.

And our lot...just for a little bit longer....

Aerial View....showing trees not only in the winter, but a few years back before a lot of the underbrush grew up....

We walked deeper in our lot, under and through trees and brush...and yes I did too!

Best trees...but house goes right here.  They will go.

Facing to the back.  End of our lot is WAY back...can't see lot lines.

Still to the back...these trees may stay but all cedars must go.  (Allergies)

New neighbors next door... also building a Westin, completely different floor plan.
Just under 2500 s.f. with only master on the main floor.  (Ours is 2500+ on the main floor with almost 700 of 3250 unless and until Andy thinks of something else to add........

Street in front of lots, still facing neighbors somewhat.
 To the front of our lot.  These trees will also have to go.

Sorry it's a yawner, but part of the scrap booking for memories.  I'm sure some family members have been wanting to see....they all live 8+ hours away.

Andy met with the builder/boss tonight to have the final meeting.  "Final" being relative...again. More and more quotes and ideas just keep coming to him.  lol  My poor of these days, we will start on our house.  I couldn't help because I was busy selling my 4th house in 3 weeks (after working 25 days in sales...2 days a week).....they are coming back Saturday and plan to write....and this one is existing and has a bonus attached.  (The others are new builds and won't be done until the Spring sometime...)

Enjoy your holiday!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like it will be a wonderful place to build. I am allergic to evergreen trees myself, so no live Christmas trees for us. Is hubby allergic to cats? That's one of my worst allergies.
    Have a wonderful ham Thanksgiving!
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN


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