Friday, December 30, 2011

Comparing Paint Colors Between Companies?

Need to find out what color that favorite Benjamin Moore paint color is in Sherwin Williams??  (Pick any companies......)

Well...I can hardly contain my excitement to share with you this website I stumbled across after LONG hours of searching for such a thing........

An online database of Manufacturer's Paint Colors!!!


Let's say you see this photo on Houzz and fall in love.

Source: via Cheri on Pinterest

Underneath the photo you find the color used is Benjamin Moore Mesa Verde Tan.

Since I must use Sherwin Williams, I go to and do the following:

1.  Type in color in Search Box.  In this case, Mesa Verde Tan.

2.  Look at results and pick the correct one.  In this case, only one result.  Click on correct company.

3.  To the right, the color will come up (sometimes more than one).  Click on the color square.

4.  The Color and the Paint Array will show up, helpful in deciding what undertone this color may have.  Click the tab "Match This Color" under the paint square.

5.  The results will now show any and all companies that have a color very close...and it shows the percentage of match.  In my case, I am looking for a Sherwin Williams match and I was thrilled to find a very close one:

6.  If you are like me and have every single paint deck from Sherwin Williams, you can go look it up immediately.  Or simply take this number to the nearest Sherwin Williams store and get a sample to try on a poster board for your project/home!

$4.99 at any Sherwin Williams Store

Can't remember - $10 - $15 at any Sherwin Williams store

One HUGE painting tip:  When you find a color you think will be perfect, look at the ENTIRE color strip......the one that has up to 5-6 different colors with the one you love.  This will help you determine what undertone that color, pink, yellow, gray........  This is very important.  You may have found what you think is a great taupe...but when you paint it on your entire wall, it may have a pink undertone......

Example:  A recent customer of another sales gal chose a color called "Compatible Cream" on a color strip.  When it was painted in her home, it looked VERY yellow.  Almost Big Bird yellow, with the lighting in her home.  She was very upset.  However, going back and looking at the entire color strip, she would have been able to tell how yellow it was despite the misleading name.

Now, this probably looks quite mellow in some homes, but in hers with the low level of natural light, it was seriously yellow. Not what she wanted.

We are on our 6th poster board trying out paint colors for the main interior color....and we are SO glad we have gone to this trouble and expense  ($6 or so for each sample size paint container).


Linking up to these parties:

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Crocheted Towel Toppers

My mom requested some crocheted towel toppers but different than the last ones I made for a friend.  I found this free pattern and went to work....

Linking up to these parties:

Boogieboard Cottage

Todays Creative Blog

Show and Tell Green


Monday, December 26, 2011

Inspiration for Master Bedroom

We are going bold in the master bedroom...and every time I waver, hubby pushes forward...he LOVES this dark gray color and I do too......  We will have taller ceilings than this photo, more crown molding....lots of white will look great......

Source: via Cheri on Pinterest

This is Peppercorn By Sherwin Williams 7674.

We had to pass on the wood floors in the bedroom...that was a $1900 upgrade and we've already upgraded so much......maybe some day down the road......

Getting very excited....but the house isn't moving too fast....lot still isn't cleared due to all the raining and being too cold to dry out between downpours.....

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Saw this today and had to share:

"So perhaps today we can create a new habit that will come with us into the New Year - let us BE the presence of LOVE in our lives and in the world.  Let's take responsibility for our own happiness, no longer blame others and instead BRING what we feel is missing from life.  Let us stop trying to get or take Love and instead set our aim on how we can serve and express our gifts to the world, so that we make the world a better place for someone else - and in doing so we will also be making the world a better place for ourselves."

The Daily Love by Mastin Kipp....

If you love this website as much as I do, you can sign up for a daily email at the top of the page in red....

How true is this?  Some of us are in a great place right now, others of us are hurting deeply.  How we get through it all is focusing outside ourselves...on giving....on blessing others.....and it will be returned to use 100-fold.

The blessings in my life this year are overflowing.............  Some blessings 25 years in the making.......

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Words to Live By

Source: via Cheri on Pinterest

"The past is finished.  Learn from it and let it go.  The future is not even here yet.  Plan for it, but do not waste your time worrying about it.  Worrying is worthless.  When you stop ruminating about what has already happened, when you stop worrying about what might never happen, then you will be in the present moment.  Then you will begin to experience joy in life."

 -  Brian Weiss, is an American psychiatrist and best-selling author.

I read an amazing blog post today and had to share it.  Mastin Kipp, of The Daily Love, has a daily inspirational email I receive and I highly recommend it.  This is what he wrote today:

"So what if that were all emotions were? A wake up call? They aren’t bad. They aren’t something to repress. They aren’t negative. They are just calling us forth and asking us to wake up.
Resentment is asking us to stop blaming other people and take responsibility for our lives.
Anger is asking us to feel the sadness below it – and then let it go.
Fear is showing us where we can have more faith and perhaps create a massive action plan.
The sensation of “lack” is showing us that the amount of abundance we have in our lives is related to how much value we have added in other people’s lives.
Perhaps anxiety is showing us that we are stepping outside our comfort zone."

Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Gorgeous Makeup Palette

I was watching some more You Tube videos and heard about a gorgeous new eye shadow palette by "The Balm" and I was curious.

Nude Tude by The Balm


When I saw it was $36, I said "No way".

Then, lucky was on sale one day at Hautelook...another one of those great online private sale boutique sites.......  I was able to get this for $16!!!!!!!!!  Wow!!

I can't wait to use this in the morning....these look like gorgeous colors!  (It also comes in the "nice" palette...this is apparently the "naughty" version...although on Hautelook, this was the only one available...)

I really recommend you check out won't be sorry!  I have saved SO much money ..things I would have purchased anyway but got on great discounts...

Monday, December 19, 2011

Inspirational Words


"Don't ask what the world needs.  Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.  Because what the world needs is people who have come alive ."

 - Howard Thurman, was an influential American author, philosopher, theologian, educator and civil rights leader.

"Cherish your visions.  Cherish your ideals.  Cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts, for out of them will grow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environment; of these, if you but remain true to them, your world will at last be built."

 - James Allen, was a philosophical writer of British nationality known for his inspirational books and poetry.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Visit to Dallas

Now that 3 of us are working, we had to schedule our holiday trip when we could all get off...and had to make it a short trip.  It was great to see everyone, though, and glad the boys were able to go with us.

Proud we remembered to take photos!  A few family members are missing...maybe next time!