Sunday, November 18, 2012

Weekend Randoms

I had a rare Saturday off and we ended up at a lovely park in a nearby town.  It was one of those quaint locations where every photographer in town was there with their clients.   After touring all the little shops (and didn't buy a single thing!),  we thought we'd do the cheap method and take an iPhone photo.  Turned about pretty good, we thought!

And a SUPER rare photograph of the boys these days.  Sorry for the pitiful quality...I was just happy I got anything at all!  I'm sure our oldest would be cooperative...have to catch him on a golf day!

Can't forget Sage and Sweety!

Tomorrow, EngineerHubby has surgery on his other foot....did the first one 1.5 months ago.  Plantar Fasciitis surgery.  Hopefully soon he will be able to exercise and not have tons of pain.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Appliance Holder Stand Find

Look what I found at TJMaxx for $12.99?  Truth be told, I didn't know if it would work, but as always....when I see something I think I need or can use, I purchase it and keep the tags on it.  So easy to return.  Not easy to get over the frustration of going BACK to purchase something and not finding it.

EngineerHubby was happy to see if this would work....we did have just enough lip on our granite master vanity....and I am loving this.  Keeps the heat off the granite, everything is in easy reach......

Not easy to see, but it has a power strip underneath the helpful.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Sick For 3 Days and News To Me?

Am I just the only weird one.....anyone else ever find out they've been sick AFTER they get better and notice the difference?  This reminds me of the time I was super tired.....worn out......but NOT sick......then I fainted, had to go to the ER and voila'  - found out I had BOTH strains of the flue at the same time!!!  And had no idea.

This week, I've been super tired.  Again.  2 days ago, I was at work with a massive headache, got nauseated and quickly ran outside to get fresh air and help it pass. didn't work.  If my boss happens to check the security footage, he will see what happened in the front landscaping quite suddenly.  Good news - only liquid since I hadn't been hungry.  Eeewww.

Straight to bed that night, tired all day at work yesterday - one of those "struggle to stay awake" days.......  Sometime in the middle of the night, I woke up feeling like ME.  And now I'm up before the birds getting my quiet time prior to work.  So NOW I know......shoot, I was SICK!  Other people take time off work...hope I wasn't contagious!  (Another 20 year old reported the same symptoms as me....headache, nausea....and I thought..."uh oh......have I been kissing on EngineerHubby?)

I, well make that WE do not want EngineerHubby sick.  No we do not!

So, instead of bragging I am never sick, the truth is...I don't KNOW I'm sick.  LOL  (Even when I vomit, I convince myself it is a food reaction.....)

Anyone else skip knowing they are sick until after it's over?