Thursday, June 30, 2011

Health Update

I am doing GREAT!  More than great.....just blessed.

Since I last wrote HERE and HERE about the pain lifting, I have:

1.  Continued to walk 2 miles 3-4 times a week at the local park with hubs and our larger is an asphalt trail around lakes, up and down!

2.  Am in the process of getting off ALL associated medications and as we speak, am down a full 1/3 in dose.  The medication I was given to help with any effects hasn't been needed...I have taken ONE (and I was allowed  2 a day AND told to prepare for the worse flu of my life.  Didn't happen.  Just a little tiredness for a few days......walking helped that!)  I will decrease a 1/3 every two in 6 weeks or less, I will be MEDICATION FREE!!!!!!!!  This alone is a major answered prayer in my life.  My gift to myself......

3.  Ended up getting 7 free facials to help my face heal from the spa incident.....and had my last one yesterday.  Boy do facials feel good and the associated massage of the neck, head and  face.....

4.  My Spinal Cord Stimulator remote (the part that allows me to control the stimulation....)continued to be on the fritz...and just TODAY did I get a replacement part that actually worked.  It has been a comedy of errors that most would not believe...and frankly, had I BEEN in pain, I would have been committed by now.  God is amazing though, and my SCS didn't break until the day my pain lifted.  How cool is that???  (I ended up having to record with my iphone the "acting up" since in the presence of docs and programmers, it worked fine. Just like when a female takes a car to get services and it doesn't act up.  Ugh. ) Never to be disbelieved, I happily forwarded 4 videos, PROVING the trouble.  Don't underestimate a driven woman. Even though I don't need the SCS at this moment, I do prefer it to be working.....since it is implanted and all....that just sounds like a good idea....

Can you see the problem with the first wand they sent me?  The old one is on the left.......
When I called to explain the problem (as the guy on the other end had an accent and was not easily understanding me....I kept saying, "You sent me a GIRL, and I need a BOY wand."  I can only imagine what he was thinking, but to ME, it seemed the best way to describe it.  lol  This is the part I put on my upper hip and communicate how much stimulation I want through the remote...

All in all, I feel FABULOUS.  Just got back from going to the grocery store the groceries, put them in and out of the cart....carried to the car.......Hubs will be SHOCKED when he gets home.  Edit - hubs just got home and IS shocked and said, "Wow, when was the last time you did THAT!  You should put that on your blog" and I told him I already was....hee hee....  :)

God answers prayers!!!!!!!  Don't give up.....never give up.  Be careful what you focus on.....because what we focus on....grows.  Believe the pain will lift.  Dream as if it already has.....Trust me......with my medical "proof"...this can only be explained by "it's a God thing".

Friday, June 24, 2011

Eyebrow Kit at CVS

Have you heard the quickest and cheapest way to get a face lift and take at least 10 years off your age (assuming you are 25+)?  

Groom your eyebrows!!!

The upper end cosmetic companies are coming out with lots of products....pens, pencils, brushes, templates.....all kinds of things.  And at a pretty price.

That's why I was SO excited when I saw this at CVS for ....$6.99!!

As young girls, we heard all kinds of advice from don't pluck from the top to don't touch them at all.  I know I was plucking and shaping my brows at a young age.....11, 12 maybe?  I was in a HURRY to grow up! lol

Wellll, ladies, it is a rare girl who has NO need to trim and shape their brows....but it is common for us to be scared to mess with them.   But the result can be incredible - I've had friends who almost fell out of their chair the first time they had them shaped by an esthetician.  Family will stop and stare trying to guess WHAT you did Makeup???  It makes that huge of a difference.

Now, if you have NEVER touched your brows, please DO go get them professionally done ONCE by a esthetician at a salon.  But after that, they are SO easy to maintain.  Truly!  And with kits like these, it makes it affordable and simple.

Made by Essence of at the end of the makeup aisle, down with the other brushes and near the nail polish section.  (I've mentioned my love affair with Essence of Beauty brushes before....)

Professionals recommend the following:  (I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL!)

Keep in mind these dimensions:

Photo Credit

1.  Hold the template up to your natural brown.

2.  Use the eye brow pencil to sketch the basic shape.

3.  Then use the angled brush and use the eye brow powder to fill in the brow - you might have sparse brows, you might have missing brows, you might have some blonde or gray spots....

4.  Everything outside the template gets plucked or shaved off (using those eye brow shavers...)

Here are some before and after photos:

Photo Credit

Photo Credit

Now, if $6.99 is just too frugal for you, feel free to purchase sets such as:

Sephora Kit $35 - Photo Credit

Benefit's Brow Zing - $30 Photo Credit 


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Update on My Word Verification Post

Since I posted the very popular "Do You Still Require Word Verification" post a few weeks ago, I have gotten much feedback.  

The biggest surprise was that most bloggers who HAVE word verification or Captcha?  Didn't know it!  So, this tells me that any blogger reading this right now should take a moment and GO CHECK....just to be sure......since we don't get this if we look at our own comments, how would we know unless someone tells us?

That said, of all the bloggers who gave it a try - turning OFF Word Verification, only ONE has written back saying that spam got through. ONLY ONE!

I also wanted to show you a photo of the proof that the new Blogger software catches the spam....I have received 39 SPAM comments since May 3, 2011 and NONE made it through to my blog.

Once I click on that Spam tab, the number (39) will go away so THIS time, I remembered to capture the photo first!

Wouldn't you love to have a spam free blog AND make it easier for your buddies online to leave comments?  Surely that answer is YES.......????????

Give it a try - check out my tutorial and give it one month.  You (and your online friends) will be SO glad you did!!

I have put this post as a permanent button on my upper right sidebar....traffic has been' time - turn Word Verification and Captcha  off!!

I may be joining THESE parties!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

CraftGawker - I've Been Published

Jill over at Creating My Way To Success asked me if I had heard of CraftGawker and had I submitted any of my photos?  Well, NO!

I went to the site today and LOVED it.  So many awesome photos

I submitted 2 (max of 2 at a time) and in a few hours, they were both accepted and are now viewable on their site.

YAY!!  I am having so much fun with my new lightbox, taking so many different photos...this is so fun.

If you want to see the current photos, here are the numbers:



# 22801

I can't link directly to them as they link directly to my blog posts.   The hardest part?  Picking my favorite photo to submit.  lol  

If you ever see a photo I take that is a little "odd" but you just love it, please let me know....maybe I should submit some of the more "creative" ones?

Check out many gorgeous can create a favorites area...submit photos...etc.

Thanks so much Jill!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Revisiting Re-framing

In January, I wrote a post on the concept of "Re-Framing" memories, thoughts, dreams, current issues.  I have been surprised that it is not a very common concept, or maybe just the term is uncommon?

It has been instrumental in much of my life.....while I watch others just lock down and remain in a set belief that brings them unhappiness and sometimes great emotional pain.  We free OURSELVES when we learn to do this....

When I saw this post today on Simple Marriage, I had to share.  Very well-written and full of great advice for relationships.

Simple Marriage - 

  Here's to decreasing conflict and increasing intimacy!  Enjoy!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lesson Learned

Remember when I showed you a new 3D flower I created........

Darn it, I'm on a new MAC and this color still looks red.  It IS Hot Pink!

Wellllll, did I write anything down....did I put it on Ravelry to track my progress......did I get right on making more?

That answer is a big fat NO.

And guess what? 

My computer blew up.  

Along with any bookmarks or notes.

And the notes in my mind?  HA!

So, last night I sat down to make another 3D flower granny square.  I got the flower made.  I love it.

And then.

I noticed.

I used an "E" crochet hook.  

Yet I saw an "I" hook sitting "out", indicating I had recently used it.


Yes.  I did.  Here is the evidence:

I know this is deceiving, because one already has the granny square added, but needless to say....those 3D flowers are different sizes.  Here is why:

Turquoise flower sitting ON TOP OF first granny square.

Just a slight difference, eh?  lol

Guess I'm starting over using the "E" hook because I like it are more photos:

I tried to get a photo that really showed the depth....

This is the back/underside...isn't it cool?

I plan to turn this into a granny square like the first photo BUT I got to thinking....this lovely flower could be used as adornment on a scarf....on a headband.....on anything!  Wait and see what I come up with...I'm inspired!! guess what Cheri learned?

1.  Write everything down as I go.

2.  Enter projects on Ravelry, ASAP.

3.  Back up computer weekly.  LOL

I tweaked the floral pattern from this website:


I added a 3rd row of petals and then the granny square part, I played around until I found something I liked.  I did not understand or ever figure out the rest of the Rosehip instructions.  (I tend to have crochet written instruction

I WILL get this done and the pattern on here sooner than later.  I want to make the pillow or purse....haven't decided..and so many other projects to get on to....

Hope you enjoyed!

I may be linking to THESE parties.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Science Behind The Power Of Our Thoughts

For those of you more logical and linear, I wanted to share with you the science behind this process - How I forgave myself and my 6 year long pain lifted.

The Bible tells us in Romans 12:2 - "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind...."

God says we are to renew our minds.  This explains HOW.

Photo Credit

Last summer, I read about a book titled, Who Switched Off My Brain  - Controlling Toxic Thoughts and Emotions by Dr. Caroline Leaf.  She is a Communication Pathologist and a Neuroscientist.  She has studied our thoughts for 26 years now and she is amazing.   Be sure to get the REVISED edition.  Her research shows that 87% to 95% of the illness that plaque us today are a direct result of our thought life.

This book knocked my socks off...very much based on the tells how our thoughts chemically affect our behavior, personal diseases and the healing process.

Here is what you need to know:  
Every time you have a thought, it is actively changing your brain and your body - for better or worse.

From 2nd Corinthians 10:5 -" ....and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;"

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing.  Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.  Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.  - Phillipians 4:8 NLT

Every single thought we have affects our glial cells in our brain.  Every toxic thought literally lays down a neural pathway to make it EASIER to have more toxic thoughts and the opposite is true.  

Dr. Leaf discusses how we have the Dirty Dozen - 12 areas of our lives affected by toxic thinking:

Toxic Thoughts
Toxic Emotions
Toxic Words
Toxic Choices
Toxic Dreams
Toxic Seeds
Toxic Faith
Toxic Love
Toxic Touch
Toxic Seriousness
Toxic Health
Toxic Schedules

As I was planning this post, I ran across this interview done Monday.  Please watch this:

I was trying so hard to get this to embed the video here but I'm still becoming friends with my PLEASE click this link - you will be SO glad you did!!  

She explains how this works plus has a story of a lady who was so bitter and locked in unforgiveness that she had Stage 4 breast cancer and what she did about it.  In fact, studies show that 61% of cancer patients suffer unforgiveness, many severe.

Did you watch it?  PLEASE go won't be sorry.  You may know someone who needs to see this video TODAY.

*Thank you so much for the wonderful response to my post on Forgiving Myself.  Your comments and emails mean the world to me.  I didn't know how this would be received and I do not want to make anyone currently suffering chronic pain to feel uncomfortable.   We all are in our own place on this journey and for some, this makes sense.  For others, it is upsetting.  Reading these books will be so helpful, I promise.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I Forgave Myself.....

I was ready.  I was ready to forgive.  I was ready to open my mind to the truth.  I wasn't ready before.  Now was the time.

This was the key?  I've known since day one that my pain was related to what was happening in  my life when it first appeared...everything in my life I knew to be true was turned upside down.  Struggles and trials I wished on no one were in my life.....and I felt powerless.  
The details are unimportant - my reaction WAS.  (For those new to my blog, see on the side bar links to Chronic Pain, Nerve Damage, So What Happened To Me, etc.  Basically, I was injured in 2005, had 3 back surgeries in 12 months and was left with diagnosed severe nerve damage and was finally given an implanted spinal cord stimulator (scs) kind of like a pacemaker for nerves...with a remote control.....and I buzz on the inside like a massage chair rather than feeling the full intensity of the searing nerve pain.  I spent much of my time reclined...keeping the pressure off my S1 nerves.)

No matter what I did to help the situation, nothing changed.  And being such a perfectionist and NOT wanting what WAS happening, I collapsed.  In pain.  More appropriately, denial.  I went in to denial. My conscious mind was overwhelmed and I just collapsed.

However, from day one, I KNEW I would be healed.  Despite my medical records, despite the very real MRI's and CT Scans that show what they show.....diagnosis of decimated nerves....despite the surgeons coming out and telling Andy "Holy moly, how was she even walking..."surgeries that filled my back with metal...and then spinal cord stimulation.....

My "high pain tolerance" that I used to be proud of?  It was no friend of mine.

Then came the subject of social security disability.  Every one told me to file for disability.  Because I had only worked a few years after having been a stay at home mom (SAHM) for many years, I only had a certain amount of time to qualify.  And we could really use the money.  After years spent reclined, who wouldn't?  I wouldn't.  My thinking was, I would be telling the world I will NOT be healed.  It would make it REAL.

Family and friends were perplexed, noticing it WAS real already.  lol  But I have this side of my personality...I call it tenaciousness....I had faith.  Without it, I couldn't imagine where my mind might have gone.  As you can only imagine, the experience of 24/7 burning/searing sensation is ..............something no one should experience.

4 weeks ago, I saw a book online and ordered it immediately:

Opening the Cage of Pain with EFT by Rue Anne Hass.

Having explored and used EFT (Tapping) in the past, I was very intrigued. EFT uses acupressure points on the face, neck, collarbone and hands to relieve issues.   In this book, she states:
"I believe that chronic pain can emerge from years of hiding, holding back, caging or repressing our deepest self-expression.  Chronic pain is the body's expression of emotional and spiritual pain.  Pain gets our attention!  It is calling us to free our deep spirit."
I started saying to myself quotes in this book:
"Even though I get overwhelmed, but I swallow my real feelings, soldier on, and tough it out, I realize that is making me sick.  I love and accept who I really am.  I honor my deep inner strength, my truth and my goodness."
"Even though my heart feels heavy and tight and sad, I honor myself for how hard this has been, I understand and I even forgive myself.  I was doing the best I could.  I choose to love and appreciate this powerful, world changing soul quality I have been so blessed with." 
So, it did not surprise me when I received an email from Barbara Rogers,  the owner of Simply Divine Botanicals online asking to speak directly with me (she had seen my posts with my testimonials of her products).....she called an hour after receiving my number.

Her first question:
"Cheri, when will you be ready to forgive yourself?"

She explained what I already knew....that pain (lingering pain, not "just had an accident acute pain") stems from grief and shame.  Pain comes in to our lives to give us a message.

I have ALWAYS believed this.  ALWAYS.

I thought I HAD done all the forgiving needed.  I forgave others involved.  But guess what?

I had NOT forgiven myself.

I set about immediately to do so....meanwhile, she recommended these books:

The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn


Heal Your Body A-Z by Louise Hay

In this book, it explains that

Low back pain: Fear of money, lack of financial support.


For this, one should repeat:  "I trust all the processes of life.  All I need is always taken care of.  I am safe."

Sciatica:   Being hypocritical.  Fear of money and the future.

For this, one should repeat:  "I move into my greater good.  My good is everywhere, and I am secure and safe."

See, at the exact moment of pain onset, I had started a new career, training new real estate agents to believe in themselves, be all they could be.....that the sky is the limit.  Yet, I could not affect change in my own life.  I could not convince family members to do the same.  I felt like a hypocrite.

In the book Game of quotes Jesus and the Bible throughout.  For example:

"Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it [are] the issues of life."
King James Version  Proverbs 4:23

Pain served a purpose in my took me from being a mile a minute, hyper girl to someone who learned to be PRESENT.  I had nothing else to do BUT learn to be present.

I consider the last 6 years to be a learning experience for me.  I am such a different person.  I value so much more.  For one, I value my mobility.

Let me share with you some interesting things since the pain lifted 2 weeks ago:

The DAY of the phone call and my pain lifted, we were driving down the road my SCS remote beeped at me from my purse. It never does this.  Long story short, it was BROKEN.  I hadn't turned myself "up" for the day and now, no stimulation.

Well....if my pain is gone, I don't NEED stimulation, right?   (Hello God, I see you....I feel got my attention!!)

It is now 15 days and I have still not had my remote "fixed"....despite the promise of a 2 day turnaround.  More proof the pain is gone, eh?

Andy and I have been walking together at the park....on a 2 mile trail....with hills and valleys.....and I got new tennis shoes that simulate sand and my hips/legs/calves are getting quite the workout.

We have gone down to the condo weight room and lifted weights.  ME!!!!!!  And I bounced out of bed the next "recovery" period.

My greatest lessons so far:

Our thoughts are very powerful.

Our words are MORE powerful.

What we actually write?  Becomes law in our life.  

I am in the process of going back to all my profiles and changing what I wrote and I am watching how I refer t0 my situation.  When something happens today that I wasn't expecting, I ask myself, "God, for what blessing has this occurred?"

Photo Credit

I am whole.  I am healed.  I am forgiven.

I am now to go fulfill why I was put on this intense learning session has completed and I will never be the same.  I will forever grateful for this experience.  I truly will.  Onward now to learn what is next!

Starting now, I will use this story to help others.....and I can't wait.

P.S.  The science behind our thoughts and illness is solid.  I will be sharing a post soon showing more of the scientific background on this subject.  Just as we can make ourselves ill we can heal ourselves as well.  Dr. Caroline Leaf, a cognitive Neuroscientist,  wrote the book, "Who Switched Off My Brain" which I read last summer.  AMAZING.  It IS scientifically proven......

Monday, June 13, 2011

It's My Birthday!

Yay!  I'm so happy to be another year on this earth....and for my birthday this year, I am creating a return to far, pain-free!  There is so much I want to tell you and I need to start on that post so it encompasses all I want it to.   The words to describe how I feel and how I am doing.....miraculous?  But I never stopped believing...I KNEW.....

Back to my birthday....I wanted to share this card my husband gave me.  It has a removable card to keep in my wallet and I had to share with you:

"You're a miracle to me--
a special gift from God above
Whose life is a reflection
of the beauty of God's love.
You're a blessing in my world - 
a gentle soul, unique and rare,
Who always lifts my spirits
with your tender loving care.
You're everything I'd hoped 
the one I love would ever be,
And that why you will always be
a miracle to me."

Emily Matthews

This brought tears to my eyes....if he only knew my affirmations every life is so abundant...lots of love...

I did a search for Emily Matthews and her poems and she is quite a writer.....Wow!

I love you honey!!

Happy happy day!  Be back soon....

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Colorful Washcloth Crochet

Finally getting the hang of my new Mac computer and photo editing, so here we go!

I finally finished my colorful crochet washcloth and I LOVE it.  Just perfect in thinness for what I like in a cloth.....will make a larger one next time.

I had so much fun playing with the light box, configuring the washcloth to make it more interesting than just laying there.  :)

This is actually rolled a bit..

More info on the yarn in THIS post....

I may be linking to THESE parties!