I do have photos of my insides (lol), but I'll keep them off the blog. lol
He wanted to make sure I didn't have ulcers from the medications I have taken or anything else going on, like gastritis or such. After the procedure, which took less than 10 minutes, he said I might have gastritis (inflammation of the stomach), gastroparesis (delayed emptying of the stomach) or Celiac disease. He took 3 biopsies.
Just got the call that the biopsies were benign and I'm fine. Good to go. Andy and I believe this DID rule "in" that the SCS is in fact an appetitie suppressant. And that's a good thing!! I am nowhere near "too thin", and now that we have confirmed I don't have any nutritional issues, no GI issues........all is well. I guess it is good to have a cautious doctor.
Good news is welcome news around here!!
Have a great day!
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