Secondly, do you or your loved ones struggle with upcoming birthdays? I never have and just cannot understand why birthdays are SO hard for my honey. This year, he was down in the dumps for almost the week prior. What gives with that? He has always been like this and when he turned 30, oh my, it was not pretty! Any tips (for him or me? lol)
Even with my physical issues, I wouldn't trade my 40's for any of my 20's or 30's. I just imagine my life getting better and better and better! Shoot, when I wake up and dirt is not over me, I figure it's a great day. Probably because of what I've been through in the last few years, but every year is a gift, a precious gift. I don't want to spend a minute being sad about that.
And a quirk of mine - I prefer even numbers, and feel more content when I am 42 instead of 43, let's say. And then if we have 44, which is coming up in June - all the better! A double even number. Woo Hoo!! And I've actually met a few other people with this quirk. I've always been this way. With my birthday on the 13th, and I barely missed turning 13 on Friday the 13th by one year! Close call - I was turned 14 on Friday the 13th. lol My brth month is an even number, and I tried to have the boys in even months, but only succeeded with one. With Ryan, his month, day and year are all uneven numbers. Boy, he did not cooperate! I tried SO hard to have him on the 10th! lol
And regarding color - does color affect you? Have you noticed being happier or more productive in a room of one color versus another? Years ago, my home office was painted navy (from the previous owners) and I just didn't like it. We had a lot of other color in the house, so I decided to paint it a taupe shade. Boy was I miserable! It was as if my brain just turned off when in that room! Took me a while to figure out that the taupe was just uninspiring to me, and being a real estate agent, plus a home stager and decorator at the time, I relied on my creativity and ability to be spontaneous. I needed a color that would inspire me, and when I painted the room Carob Chip from Pittsburgh Paints, I was in HEAVEN. This color is a deep shade of plum, with a chocolate brown undertone. So many plums and purples are just TOO purple, you know? This shade was just amazing and the pictures don't do it justice. Along with my favorite desk of all time and all the light in the room, it was just bliss. My favorite room of my entire life, honestly. Here are the photos - what do you think?
And I can tell you from personal experience that color DOES affect pain. So if you suffer, please surround yourself with your favorite color, whether painting a wall, getting a rug or pillow, or just some fabric you love. It will brighten your day!
Navy, already painted when we purchased the home:
Tried this tan to neutralize (matched carper in adjacent room):
Bliss! Carob Chip from Pittsburgh Paint - you had to experience this room in person to get the full effect!
BTW, we lived in this house just over 2 years, so that's a lot of painting. lol We did neutralize most of the house prior to selling, as any good stager would recommend (lol), but I could not part with this room color. Also, changed this room over to a dining room (staged) for selling purposes. Here is that photo (showing the new carpet also):
I am really hoping and praying that Heaven is filled with color. If it ends up being blah beige, I will be so sad. lol When owning homes, you have freedom to paint and express yourself. When we decided to rent in our new town, I was resigning myself to a beige life. But wouldn't you know the perfect house for us was filled with color?? I dreamed it and it became a reality, and we are so happy here. To see photos of my crazy colorful life in houses, click HERE. I participated in a blog carnival for weeks showing photos of many of the houses we have lived in. And after having rented for 2+ years, I cannot wait to own again and put my personal color back in my life!
Have a great day!